Saturday, February 28, 2015

Looks important to me....

This morning between 9-10am we had another showing on our existing home. We packed up Morgan and the dog and headed out to Panera Bread for breakfast.  We finished breakfast at about 9:30 and decided to burn the remaining time with driving by the new home to get a glimpse of how things were going.  To our surprise there were about 6 or 7 crew members hard at work.  I'm not sure what part of the process this is, but it looks important to me---:).  Does anyone know what they're doing? I assume this is a part of the footing/foundation....??
It was far too cold and still snow on the ground so I couldn't imagine working in these conditions.  I'm so thankful for the crew and people that have a hand in bringing the home together....cheers to them doing correctly!


  1. Those are the forms for your basement walls. It's like puzzle pieces the put together. Then pour the cement in between and I think rebar goes in as well. Looks like they plan on pouring the walls soon. They are moving fast!!

    1. Oh, thanks for the information. This totally makes sense now :)

  2. Doesn't it blow your mind that they continue to work in the freezing cold?! I mean, don't get me wrong, I am extremely grateful and excited.. but oh my gosh I am so cold for them at times. But this part is super exciting! That is for your foundation. You guys are flying right along. So awesome we are on the same timeline! :)
